Tag Archives: Western Bluebird chick

Shari Goforth photographed this Western Bluebird leaving a very hungry chick behind. Hopefully the parent quickly returned with a tasty bug for this little one.

Ailene Kanbe photographed this Cliff Swallow feeding the chick on the right.

And Craig Tooley found this Violet-green Swallow nest in a hedgerow. See the open mouth in the hole? Don't worry, hungry one...an insect is coming your way.

Thanks to Shari, Ailene and Craig for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

It's foggy here today with temps in the mid-60s! The fog is a high fog and I can see the ocean. Looks like the sun is trying to break through this afternoon. Nice to have it cool!