Tag Archives: Waterfall

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I love the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands. With all the rain, there is this beautiful waterfall to find as Mel Smith photographed. Hint: It's closer to the north end.

Mel noticed some cracking, some erosion on the southern end of the Lands. He brought his camera and young granddaughter to observe what was going on. A new blowhole has been born! Here in the link to Mel's video:

New blowhole at the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands by Mel Smith

Amazing! Thanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photo and video with you here.

Lots of overhead clouds have poured in this afternoon but no predicted rain. Temps in the high 50's.

We had a vigorous storm overnight. Our rain gauge showed 1.39 inches. Allen Vinson went to Stengel Beach at The Sea Ranch today to see if the waterfall was going. It was!

This means our seasonal creeks have come to life after the dry months of summer and fall. There are many waterfalls to discover now, a fun adventure.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The sun has appeared this afternoon, but it's chilly out and showers are still possible. It's a fun time to be on the Mendonoma Coast.

Amy Ruegg was at Stengel Beach on The Sea Ranch recently. She wrote, “It has been beautiful seeing the waterways fill up, and the rain soak the earth.

The cloudy sunsets have been almost unbelievable of late, as if a piece of heaven fell to earth. I enjoyed seeing a splashing waterfall there. The tide was low as the sunset revealed a purple and an orange Sea Star clinging tightly to slippery rocks.”

Thanks to Amy for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

After a strong storm on Sunday, today is a different story. Sunny, with a few clouds to add interest, and cool temps. Come to the Mendonoma Coast to start your year off right!


Allen Vinson was photographing some of the sights at The Sea Ranch recently. He saw a beautiful wave with rooster tails - the top water being blown off.

The sun was just coming up behind the trees, creating beautiful sunbeams.

And Allen found one of the Mendonoma coast's many waterfall.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photos with you  here. If you'd like to see more of Allen's nature photography, here is a link: http://allenvinson.smugmug.com/

Waterfalls should be full for this weekend after today's rain. We received a solid inch of the wet stuff.

We got 8.1 inches during the "river of rain" event which ended yesterday, Saturday. The seasonal creek that crosses our property was doing its best impression of a mighty river. Here's Quinliven Creek during the tail end of the storm.

When we get a lot of rain, a hidden grotto with a cascade is revealed.

Here are two videos of the action.

Flooding at Quinliven Creek by Jeanne Jackson

Quinliven Creek by Jeanne Jackson

And today is sunny and oh-so-lovely. The Pacific Ocean is all riled up from the storm with big waves crashing against coastal bluffs and beaches. It's a great time to be on the Mendonoma coast!