Tag Archives: video

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Paul Kozal loves photographing the night sky. Each photo is just spectacular. Here's one Paul took of the Milky Way from Cooks Beach, which is at the north end of Gualala. He got a streak of a meteor in this photo too.

Shouqin Huo wrote me last Friday,  "I caught something strange on the camera in Irish Beach last night, Thursday. It might be a meteor burning up. Whatever it was, it was close. You can hear two sonic booms in the video."

If so, it would be a meteorite. What do you think? If you can't open the short video, I believe I can email it to you. It's only four seconds long.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his beautiful photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's art, here is his website: https://www.paulkozal.com/

And thanks to Shouqin for sharing his video!

Kris Kilgore wrote, "This is a video from my Ring camera.  This crazy woodpecker is fascinated with the camera.  If you play the video, please be sure to listen too.  At the end he lets out a very Woody The Woodpecker cry."

Here's a still photo I took from Kris' video.

And here is the video: Male Acorn Woodpecker and a Ring Camera courtesy of Kris Kilgore

The sound this male Acorn Woodpecker makes at the end of the recording sounds like a whole bunch of frustration to me. Perhaps he is seeing his reflection in the camera lens and wants to chase away the handsome fellow looking back at him!

Thanks to Kris for allowing me to share her video here.

Kind of a crazy weather day today - this morning huge dark clouds appeared, threatening rain but not delivering much at all. Then in the early afternoon, the marine layer moved in. Now, as I write this around 4 pm, the fog is much diminished and has pulled back, leaving us with abundant sunshine.

A group Pygmy Nuthatches has been arriving at dusk, and leaving at dawn, from a birdhouse outside Rick's and my home in Anchor Bay. They have been doing so for two or so months. There were eight to start, and then seven for some weeks. Last week there were eight again, and yesterday there were seven. Here's a close-up of Pygmy Nuthatch for you to see, taken some years ago by the late Ron LeValley. Ron was always so generous sharing his photos with us.

This morning they were very late in leaving. I set my iPhone up on a tripod and video through the window, so the quality isn't great, that's for sure. But you still can get a feeling for what it's like to see them exit every morning. But it was raining hard this morn, and the wind was fierce. Being in the open wasn't very appealing as this video shows.

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As I reported in my other post, we have received a little over four fabulous inches of early rain, a real blessing. Tomorrow I will report on the status of the seasonal creek that crosses our land. Perhaps it came to life???

Michael Sugarman's trail camera picked up a visit by a healthy-looking Mountain Lion recently. Here is the video: Mountain Lion Video by Michael Sugarman

One of my favorite photos of a Mountain Lion was taken by CeCe Case. A female Mountain Lion was starring through her window in Gualala a few years back. YIKES!!

Thanks to Michael for allowing me to share his video and to Cece for allowing me to reshare her photo with you here.

It's dark and cold with occasional rain showers today!

Here's the Mendonoma Coast's largest woodpecker, a Pileated Woodpecker. Craig Tooley photographed a male looking for bugs on a tree.

Here is a short video showing how the woodpecker uses his very strong beak to hammer away at a snag, looking for his favorite meal, carpenter ants.

The call of these woodpeckers is quite distinctive and you can listen to it here: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Pileated_Woodpecker/sounds

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photo and video with you here. To see much  more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

An overnight storm brought nearly an inch of rain, and it's showery this afternoon. It's suppose to clear up for a few days, with another storm coming in late Thursday. Keep the rain coming, Mother Nature!