Tag Archives: Unusual sunset

Roxanne Holmes photographed a rather unique sunset. She wrote, “The sunset couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be yellow or red, so a stately tree provided a dividing line.”

Quite fun to see! Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Sunny and cool today. There was ice on some roads early this morning!

Yesterday we had the first storm, which brought 1.94 inches of rain. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the color in the sky. I don't believe I've seen the sky look quite like this before.

The colors intensified for a minute as the sun began to sink below the horizon. I saw a green flash for a second or two. I caught a hint of it in the photo below.

At 4 pm on Sunday, we've had a little over 0.90 inches and it's still raining. My season to date roared past 41 inches yesterday. 50 inches is a "normal" wet winter at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Hooray!