Tag Archives: The Sea Ranch


October 11th and 12th saw the Northern Lights appearing off the Mendonoma Coast. Paul Kozal was at the ready!

Paul went to the White Barn at The Sea Ranch. Along with the Northern Lights, he photographed the setting Moon and the Milky Way. Yes, Paul is an over-achiever! And we're all thankful for that. Such beauty!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's photography, here is the link to his website: https://www.paulkozal.com/ or visit his gallery, Studio 391 in Gualala.

We had some rain showers this morning and beautiful rainbows too. This afternoon it's sunny with some clouds and a chill wind. The forest smells wonderful from yesterday's rain. A little over 1/4 inches. More to come!

Kate Bloch first went to Ocean Ridge Airport to get this beautiful photo.

Copyright Kate Bloch 2024

And this one she took from her back deck of her home at The Sea Ranch.

Copyright Kate Bloch 2024

I'll have another photo to share with you tomorrow! This beauty in the sky occurred Oct. 10 - 11.

Thanks to Kate for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

oh, it's a lovely day here today. 70 degrees, just the hint of a breeze and a few clouds overhead.


The light on the Mendonoma Coast is always changing and often mesmerizing. Tom Marble took a photo of sunbeams amidst the fog, and a Buck in the yard. There's a person standing to the left, looking at the Pacific Ocean and perhaps a reflection of someone else in the blind-covered window.

Tom tells me this house was designed by San Francisco architect Hans Baldauf. It's located on the beautiful Sea Ranch and it's called the Sea Pine House.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To learn more at the Sea Pine House, here's a link to a blog written by the architect: https://bcvarch.com/about-us/blog-all/blog-community/blog-sea-ranch-exhibition/

Our hot weather left us - don't let the door hit you on the way out, heat! - and it's a lovely sunny day here today, temps in the mid 70's. Perfect!

On Sunday Mel Smith found this Monarch nectaring on a butterfly bush in Point Arena.

And Chris Pechal found two Monarchs at The Sea Ranch. In the photo on the left, you can tell it's a male Monarch because of the two black dots on its lower wings. He is nectaring on thistle. In the other photo, the beautiful Monarch is nectaring on Coyote Bush.

These Monarchs come to the coast to feed before their journey to their overwintering sites. They live approximately seven months, and are called the Methuselah generation. We hope to see many more Monarchs in the days ahead.

Thanks to Mel and Chris for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Warm today - no fog at all. It's a spectacular autumn day!

1 Comment

Menka Sethi wrote, “A Bobcat recently sauntered through my backyard and into the abutting Mill Meadow. Wanting to share this with neighbors, I pulled out my phone camera. In a split-second, a Raven dive-bombed the Bobcat, and the Bobcat flipped upside down, landed back on four paws, and took off into the meadow. Did I imagine this? No - there on my phone was the image of a Bobcat seemingly floating above the meadow with four paws pointed toward the sky.”

A one-in-a-million photograph by The Sea Ranch's Community Manager!

Thanks to Menka for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

There was an error in my previous post - it was an Allen's Hummingbird, not an Anna's. Sorry about that! Thanks to all who wrote in to correct the post.

This morning felt very autumn-like, with breezes and sun. Then this afternoon clouds have moved in, and temps are very mild, mid-60's.