Tag Archives: The Sea Ranch sheep herd

Lambs, the essence of cuteness, are charming people on The Sea Ranch. Allen Vinson recently photographed part of the flock.

The sheep, along with a few goats, help keep the grasses munched down. They've also become a tourist attraction.

Thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The Sea Ranch Ranch keeps the grasses down by employing a herd of Sheep and Goats. They have become an attraction for tourists and locals.

Every once in a while the herd escapes their movable enclosure and are on the lam. Rich Edwards photographed the escaping herd which had headed for the bluffs. As this land used to be a sheep ranch, it tickles people to see them on the bluffs once again.

The fellow who owns the flock is then called and, along with his hardworking dog, he herds the flock back into their enclosure.

Thanks to Rich for sharing his photo with us here.