Tag Archives: The Sea Ranch

Laura Baker and Lewis Lubin have a apple tree at their Annapolis place. Their motion camera is pointed in the direction of that tree. We know Black Bears love apples! Last month their camera captured this healthy-looking bear.

Pat Whelan appears to be on a regular route of a Black Bear in The Sea Ranch. A few weeks ago, her camera caught this bear trying to figure out Pat's bear-proof garbage bins. Here's the video:

Black Bear checks out garbage bins, courtesy of Pat Whelan

And Ron Bolander found evidence of a Black Bear at Gualala Point Regional Park just last weekend. The scat is full of bite-sized apples!

Maybe that was more than you wanted to know...

Thanks to Laura, Pat and Ron for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We had a break from the rain on Christmas Day and much of Dec.26th, but the rain has returned in earnest late afternoon on Thursday. Rain total season to date before this afternoon's storm is 33.54 inches. A "normal" rain season at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay is 50 inches.

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Betty Spence of New Mexico was visiting The Sea Ranch with friends when she saw this beautiful rainbow several weeks ago.

I love how it frames the Cypress Tree. I never get tired of seeing rainbows - how about you?

Thanks to Betty for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

What a beautiful day here on Monday, Dec. 9th. Sunny and warm and no wind. The ocean was calm and surfers headed out with the boards. But it turned cold late this afternoon. It's going to be cold overnight. Rain is in our forecast in a few days. Bonus sighting: Scott and Tree Mercer saw their first Gray Whales headed southward yesterday.!

Great Egrets are residents of the Mendonoma Coast and it’s always interesting watching them hunt for dinner. Barbara Gemmill-Herren wrote, “My daughter-in-law Ashley Anderson took this video of an egret spearing and eating a gopher on the bluff trail in Sea Ranch.” I’m going to go out on a limb and say the Great Egret speared a Vole rather than the much larger Gopher.

What a beautiful place to find dinner! To see a short video of this Great Egret taken by Ashley, here is the link:

Thanks to Ashley for allowing me to share her photo and video with you here, and thanks to Barbara for sending them along to me.

Another beautiful, calm day today, temps in the mid 60's. Here's a bonus photo of last night's extraordinary sunset, taken by me.

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Paul Kozal wrote, "Here is the photo of Shell Beach [off The Sea Ranch] and Comet. In the middle of the photo is Venus setting with its reflection in the water. The photo was taken on 10/19/24 at 8:50pm."

Paul didn't even mention the Milky Way! And I love the reflection of Venus on the ocean. Yes, Paul is a professional! His studio, Studio 391, is in Gualala, in the Cypress Center. Here is a link to Paul's website: https://www.paulkozal.com/

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share this photo with you here.

Lots of overhead clouds are giving us beautiful sunrises and sunsets! Temps around 60. Lots of mushrooms are up!

It's great fun to spot a Bobcat but you don't really expect one to be right outside your door. But that's what Janet Burch and Jim Tervo witnessed at their Sea Ranch home. In this first photo, taken by Janet, the Bobcat is on the hunt.

The Bobcat was successful - look at the rodent in his/her mouth.

Thanks to Janet for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

There were clouds this morning but this afternoon is sunny. Temps are in the 60's - a beautiful autumn afternoon!