Tag Archives: The Sea Ranch

Here's the Bobcat lurking in the grasses at The Sea Ranch.

Then the Bobcat showed him or herself.

And finally Eric saw it saunter over to a neighbor's house.

Bobcats are often seen hunting for rodents during the daylight hours!

Thanks to Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Cloudy and drippy here today - light rain. I'll report on rain totals tomorrow.

Two Coyotes have been spotted, but only one was photographed. Looks like a very healthy Coyote is living lightly on the land at TSR. Here is Mike Petrich's photo.

Adrian Adams saw perhaps the same Coyote outside his home.

We don't see Coyotes too often, but they do wander through now and then.There are lots of gophers and other underground critters in Mendonoma Coast meadows.

Thanks to Mike and Adrian for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

The rain has left us until the middle of next week. The seven-day total of rain at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay is 8.91 inches. 50.34 season to date. We are having an excellent rainy season. Today is cool with some clouds interspersed by brilliant sunshine. The Gualala River is running strong and muddy! Here's a photo I took this morning behind Trink's.

They didn't know what the lights in the sky were very early on Friday January 24. The lights were south of the Mendonoma Coast. But Don Krieger soon discovered what they were. He wrote, “Here's a picture in the moonlight of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket putting 23 spacelink satellites into orbit this morning.”

Janet Pierucci also witnessed this event from her Sea Ranch home. She wrote, "Not sure what phenomenon this is but what an incredible sight.” Janet soon wrote back to tell me about the liftoff from Vandenberg Space Force Base. Janet got a series of photos, but this was was a few minutes later. Interesting to see!

Thanks to Don and Janet for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

More rain today! We've gone over 8 inches since last Friday and we're closing in on 50 inches season to date. After this storm, it is suppose to be dry until mid-week.


Adrian Adams noticed this live Great Blue Heron standing on a roof at The Sea Ranch. But a metal GBH weather vane would be pretty nice!

Great Blue Herons will occasionally get on a roof to search for prey and/or for protection from predators.

Thanks to Adrian for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It was quite cold (for us here on the coast - I know it's very, very cold in other parts) this morning, 37 degrees. But it's sunny and calm this afternoon. We've gone three weeks without any rain as of today. Rain is in the forecast for later next week. Hope so!

Laura Baker and Lewis Lubin have a apple tree at their Annapolis place. Their motion camera is pointed in the direction of that tree. We know Black Bears love apples! Last month their camera captured this healthy-looking bear.

Pat Whelan appears to be on a regular route of a Black Bear in The Sea Ranch. A few weeks ago, her camera caught this bear trying to figure out Pat's bear-proof garbage bins. Here's the video:

Black Bear checks out garbage bins, courtesy of Pat Whelan

And Ron Bolander found evidence of a Black Bear at Gualala Point Regional Park just last weekend. The scat is full of bite-sized apples!

Maybe that was more than you wanted to know...

Thanks to Laura, Pat and Ron for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We had a break from the rain on Christmas Day and much of Dec.26th, but the rain has returned in earnest late afternoon on Thursday. Rain total season to date before this afternoon's storm is 33.54 inches. A "normal" rain season at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay is 50 inches.