Tag Archives: Sweet Trillium


Bob Rutemoeller spotted this rare trillium, Trillium albidum, or Sweet Trillium.

The flowers are fragrant, I am told. The flower of any trillium should never be picked. So if you find one or more, just enjoy them where they are. Western Trilliums, the more common trillium, are blooming now in shady forests. The Sweet Trillium prefers more sun. Here's a photo of a Western Trillium for comparison, photo taken by Renee Jardine.

Thanks to Bob and Renee for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

A big storm is forecast to drop a lot of rain on the Mendonoma coast. It is already raining this afternoon. Waterfalls will be coming back to life with this much-needed rain. Thank you, Mother Nature!