Tag Archives: storms

Peter Cracknell wanted to see what the Wheatfield Fork of the Gualala River looked like from the Annapolis Road Bridge. Here's what he found.

The Annapolis Road Bridge over the Wheatfield Fork by Peter Cracknell The raging Wheatfield Fork of the Gualala River by Peter Cracknell

John Sperry was out by Stump Beach, which is found at Salt Point State Park, and this is what he found - a seasonal waterfall and stormy seas.

Seasonal waterfall north of Stump Beach by John Sperry Stormy seas off Stump Beach by John Sperry Waterfall at Stump Beach by John Sperry

Now we have a chance to dry out for a few days. After 28 inches in such a short time, we deserve a pause. Hello, sunshine!

Thanks to Peter and John for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Peter Cracknell photographed a Brown Pelican recently. Its white head tells you it is an adult. Juveniles have brown heads. They are migrating south along the coast now.

An adult Brown Pelican by Peter Cracknell

Rain is hitting the coast today and we are grateful for all we receive. The ocean is making itself heard too with its crashing waves. Carolyn André photographed these waves coming in near Jenner several days ago. The black dots on the right are surfers.

Beautiful surf by Carolyn André

Two more storms are lined up and we say, "Bring it on, Mother Nature!"

Thanks to Peter and Carolyn for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

With the early rains, mushrooms are appearing in great numbers. Look what Subir Sanyal collected in just a two-hour hike on his property.

Eleven varieties of edible mushroms by Subir Sanyal

There are 11 different species of edible mushrooms in Subir's photo. Can you identify them?

Rozann and Eric Grunig went mushrooming at Salt Point State Park. Rozann reports the park has had a LOT of foragers come through but they did find nearly two pounds of Pig's Ear.

Pig's Ears by Rozann Grunig

We have three storms headed our way over the next five or six days. It will be interesting to see what these storms bring in the way of wild mushrooms - some edible, many not, but all beautiful in their own right.

Thanks to Subir and Rozann for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

One of the secrets of the Mendonoma Coast is the beautiful weather we usually have in between storms. Inland may be covered in dense fog while we bask in sunshine. Storms bring - or leave - magnificent sunsets. Allen Vinson photographed Thursday's sunset, which was sandwiched in between two storms.

Rick and I always try to watch the sunset. If the horizon is clear there is a chance for a green flash. It doesn't happen often but when it does it is thrilling. To see a photo of a green flash taken here on the Coast by Allen, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/10/04/sundays-green-flash-as-photographed-by-allen-vinson/

My thanks to Allen for allowing me to share his beautiful sunset photo with you here.

Rick and I live a half mile back from the Pacific Ocean yet the sound of the crashing waves can be heard - and felt - inside our house. The ocean is in full voice and there is no denying its presence. Rich Kuehn photographed waves hitting Gualala Point Island yesterday from his home at The Sea Ranch.

There is an amazing amount of power in this photo. I thank Rich for allowing me to share it with you here. To learn more about this special island, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/05/05/gualala-point-island-a-rocky-island-off-the-sonoma-coast/