Tag Archives: storm cell

Milkmaid blossoms are quite small and prove difficult to photograph...at least for me. Ron Bolander to the rescue. He found this beauties at Gualala Point Regional Park last Saturday.

There are groups of them at Rick's and my property near a seasonal creek. They like moist areas. Milkmaids are in the mustard family. They are doing particularly well this year!

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The vigorous storm blew through yesterday, with ominous-looking clouds full of brief downpours. Here are two photos of a very impressive cell that I took yesterday, Sunday.

Season to date rain totals at our location is 58.81 inches, a nice, fat, wet season. There's another chance of some rain tomorrow afternoon. Then we have a bit of a dry spell and warmer temps. This weekend could be spectacular here on the Mendonoma Coast!

Bonus sighting: On Friday Scott and Tree Mercer saw their first mother/calf Gray Whales pass by the Point Arena Lighthouse Peninsula...heading north.