Tag Archives: Shore Pine

A few Matsutakes appeared in the same spot they fruit every year. Usually there is an undulating string of at least fifteen Matsutakes but this year only four have sprouted.

 Rozann Grunig took this photo of me holding a nice Matsutake.

And here is a photo of several Shrimp Russulas. They like our Shore Pine habitat, just off our driveway. Our golden retriever, Huckleberry, likes them too. It's a race to see who gets them first - him or me.

We are longing for rain but the weather is remarkably autumn-like - warm and dry as a bone. If it rains, I hope to see Black Trumpets, Hedgehogs and Winter Chanterelles. May it rain soon!

Thanks to Rozann for allowing me to share her photo of me with you here.


A group of Shrimp Russulas, Russula xeramplina, has bloomed under a Shore Pine tree on our property. I finally learned the identification of these edible mushrooms after a mushroom forage with David Arora a month or so ago. First, it is a substantial mushroom, not flimsy. The stem is rosy though you will have to look closely at my photo to see the blush. When you scratch the stem it should turn yellow. To further make sure you have the edible Russula, bite off a small piece of the cap, chew and then spit out. If you taste pepper you have the wrong one.

 These two 'shrooms are growing next to a large rock at our home in Anchor Bay.

It's been cold and dry here on the Mendonoma Coast. But these Shrimp Russulas didn't seem to mind! To see several other photos of this mushroom, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/11/24/shrimp-russula-has-appeared-on-the-edge-of-our-forest-in-anchor-bay/