Tag Archives: Serendipity

Rick and Teresa Denniston saw this Bald Eagle perched on a branch from their home in Gualala, Serendipity. I presume this is the male, as the female should be tending to her nest and eggs now. Perhaps her eggs have hatched! We wish we knew, but the nest is somewhere in the Gualala River watershed. You might need wings to get to it!

Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photo with you here. The Denniston's beautiful home overlooking the Gualala River and Pacific Ocean is available for rental via Coasting Homes. Here's the website to see Serendipity: https://www.coastinghome.com/rns/vacation-rental/gualala/ca/serendipity  When I had a major power outage (11 days!) several years ago, and I ran out of propane for my generator, they offered to let me stay at their place. It was such a gift, in more ways the one.

We are having a stormy period. Today, Friday, was filled with downpours, bright sunshine, lightning and thunder, and more downpours. As of this morning, we received 2.41 inches, bringing the season total to 56.73. A good, wet winter!

Rick and Teresa Denniston have a beautiful home overlooking the Gualala River and the Pacific Ocean. They named it Seredipidity and it's available to rent. When they come up to stay for a while, intending to work on the house, the great wildlife sightings distract them! First, they saw several Gray Whales. Here's a photo showing the back of one of them.

Then they were distracted by this lovely Doe and a young Buck looking up at them.

Finally, they were charmed by the sight of a family of California Quail, including four of the chicks.

Hard to get work done, that is for sure!

Thanks to Teresa and Rick for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see Serendipity, here is the link: https://rentals.coastinghome.com/rns/vacation-rental/gualala/ca/serendipit

Our heat wave is over, thank goodness. The fog returned and burned off at the coast by noon. ahhh....

We haven't seen any Gray Whales for the past several weeks. We hope to see the first mothers with calves soon. Rick Denniston photographed one spyhopping just off his vacation home, Serendipity, in Gualala.

Magnificent! Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photo with you here. Serendipity is available for vacation rental. I can attest to the wonderful view it has. Here's the link to learn more: http://www.serendipityview.com/


A mother Gray Whale and her calf were photographed by Richard Denniston from his vacation home, Serendipity, which overlooks the Gualala River and the Pacific Ocean. Rick has shared some fabulous photos of whales with Sightings over the past several years from this vantage spot. Looking for a special place to rent? This is it! http://www.serendipityview.com/

 There had been numerous Gray Whale sightings until the winds began several days ago. Hundreds of whales could be passing by and we'd never know because of the white caps. Last week though, a Minke Whale was spotted swimming with two female Gray Whales and two calves for protection. They were, of course, migrating north. Lots of krill reported in the waters off of Point Arena, which means good feeding for our beloved cetaceans.