Tag Archives: Sarah Flaim

Sarah Flaim is a talented photographer. She has previously let me share several of her photos, including ones of the Milky Way. But she trained her camera on something much smaller recently. She photographed an Anna's Hummingbird at the moment its tongue pierced a droplet of water. How amazing is this?

Thanks to Sarah for allowing me to share her spectacular photo with you here. You can see more of Sarah's photography at her Instagram page  - @redwoodsinger.

The fog is hovering over the Pacific Ocean keeping temperatures mild, but most coastal locations have sun this afternoon. It's a beautiful summer day on the Mendonoma Coast.


Last week Sarah Flaim photographed the Moon with Jupiter far beneath it. Just lovely.

Thanks to Sarah for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

I had my first sightings of a wild rhododendron in bloom, a Pacific Rhododendron in bloom along side Highway One in Salt Point State Park. A patch of orange-red Coast Lilies is blooming along the highway too. This is a wonderful time of year on the Mendonoma coast.

Sarah Wagner Flaim photographed the Milky Way earlier this week. Here is the spectacular result. The bright star to the right is Mars. Mars is very close to Earth right now.

The spectacular Milky Way by Sarah Wagner Flaim (1024x683)In the Huffington Post yesterday there was an article about how few people in the United States can see the Milky Way anymore. Light pollution is the culprit. Here's the link to the article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/light-pollution-psychological-effects_us_5759d91be4b0e39a28ad0e93?fb_action_ids=10153908737758171&fb_action_types=og.comments

Thanks to Sarah for allowing me to share her photo with you here.