Tag Archives: Ruth Downes

I love seeing and hearing CA Quail. They have their chicks with them now, and they can be seen hurrying along under bushes and grasses. Ruth Downes recently photographed this male CA Quail amidst some of his offspring. He sure is a handsome fellow!

Ruth also Yellow-cheeked Chipmunks feeding right along with a CA Quail couple.

It must be summer on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Ruth for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's toasty warm when you get a little ways from the Pacific Ocean.

Ruth Downes noticed this female California Quail in a covey of quail under her bird feeder. Something was missing! Yes, her tail feathers are awol.

Perhaps a predator had a hold of her and her tail feathers gave way, allowing her to escape.

Thanks to Ruth for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's cloudy and mild here on the Mendonoma Coast today, with no wind. There should be a beautiful sunset tonight, and hopefully a 49er's win! (Sorry if you are a Dallas fan....)


This cute, little chipmunk, a Yellow-faced Chipmunk, peeked out of a ceramic birdhouse, a charming sight and photographed by Ruth Downes. Hope it brings a smile to your face!

It’s a clear, sunny day on the Mendonoma Coast!


Ruth Downes noticed a Chestnut-backed Chickadee on her hummingbird feeder, drinking sugar water.

And Adrian Bennett found a tiny Sierran Treefrog sitting on her nectar feeder. We think the frog may have been attracted to the moisture or perhaps small insects caught in the sugar water on the lid.

Then Thane Frivold's dog, Moon, alerted him to a masked bandit at his feeder one night. Here is the video of the Raccoon obviously relished the sweet treat.

Raccoon raiding a hummingbird feeder by Thane Frivold

Who knew hummingbird feeders were popular with such diverse animals! Thanks to Ruth and Adrian for allowing me to share their photos, and to Thane for allowing me to share his video, with you here.

Today, Wednesday, is one of the most beautiful days of the year. It really feels like Autumn today, with gentle breezes, blue skies and mild temps.