Tag Archives: Roxanne Holmes

Our access to parks and beaches continues to be restricted, but Roxanne Holmes knows how to make lemonade at Shell Beach on The Sea Ranch. She wrote, “For years, I have loved going down to the beach every evening to enjoy the close-up view of the waves crashing, seals bobbing, adults imbibing, kids shrieking, and dogs cavorting. Now the beach is closed. That is sad, but it has caused me to find vantage points to look at the beach from spots that are more remote, elevated, and unvisited.When I did that recently, I saw the beach, for the first time, without any footprints at all. There is a unique beauty in that"

"And twelve hours later, the same beach was covered in footprints – but they were made by cavorting deer. Perhaps the deer are happy to have the beach to themselves!”

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Today is a most spectacular day - sunshine to warm us when we could use a little warmth. No sign of the Easter Bunny.

Spring doesn't know...

Roxanne Holmes was enjoying the recent warm weather by visiting Shell Beach on The Sea Ranch. She found this sandcastle nestled into the rocky bluff edge. Pretty sweet!

I imagine it would be easy to miss this if you weren't paying attention.

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Cloudy, cold and VERY windy today. It would sure be nice if some raindrops fell. We have had zero rain for the entire month of February, which is worrisome.

Roxanne doesn't know who drew this picture in the sand at Shell Beach on The Sea Ranch, but she really enjoyed seeing it.

Roxanne wrote, "It is wonderful to see how humans interact with nature to make lovely, improbable, anonymous, modest masterpieces. I think of this when I see clever driftwood structures on the beach, or mysteriously balanced rock cairns near the shore. Such pieces of art are particularly precious because – like all works of nature – they are ephemeral. They will be gone with the next tide. It seems an honor to appreciate them during their short lives. I felt compelled to share them with you!”

I thank Roxanne for letting me share her photo with you here!

Sunny, breezy and chilly is the forecast for the next several days. The recent rains brought the seasonal creeks to life, always a happy occurrence.

Roxanne Holmes wrote, “This Doe left her two Fawns ON OUR FRONT PORCH!! The Fawns made a distinctive, loud, high-pitched squeal when they saw us, and the Doe came running to them.”  After the little ones rushed over to their mother, Roxanne photographed one of the Fawns nursing.

A Doe will stash her Fawns in what she believes are safe places while she wanders off to eat, so don’t be concerned if you see a fawn by itself for a while. And this is the time of year to be especially careful when driving. If you see a Doe cross the road, wait a minute to see if a fawn, or two, or even three might be following behind.

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.