Tag Archives: Roxanne Holmes

Roxanne Holmes photographed twin Fawns last week. She said they were dancing and playing as if it were the first day of the lives, and it may have been. It was raining that day and they were dancing in the rain.

Many more fawns to be born in the days ahead. If you have a Doe cross the road in front of you, wait several moments to see if one, or two, or even three Fawns might be following her.

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's a sunny, breezy day here on the Mendonoma Coast. Harbor Seals are also being born, and Gray Whale mothers and calves are passing by, heading north. It's a special time of year. Also special for me was my time at Point Arena High School today, talking with two groups of seniors. What great people!

It's so wonderful to see Sea Stars in abundance, recovering from the wasting disease. Roxanne Holmes found a baby Star, a juvenile Bat Sea Star, Patiria miniata.

Amy Ruegg went to Walk On Beach at low tide recently and she found this glorious group of Ochre Sea Stars, Pisaster ochraceus.

Thanks to Roxanne and Amy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We are having a sun-splashed day on the Mendonoma Coast today!

Several people sent in photos this past week of Praying Mantises.  Joyce Nugent wrote, “I saw this Praying Mantis on my strawberries this weekend. What a delight! I haven’t seen one in years.”

Roxanne Holmes said this one paid her a visit.

Mary Bennett wrote, “I thought this was a rather handsome Praying Mantis.  I think he was as interested in me as I was of him.”

Late summer and early autumn are the most likely time to see these fascinating insects. They are fully grown now and this is their mating season. Fun Fact: If you see a Praying Mantis in your garden, you have a healthy ecosystem.

Thanks to Joyce, Roxanne and Mary for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's HOT on the Mendonoma Coast today. 91 degrees in the shade at our place.

Roxanne Holmes wrote, "Somebody got a lovely 33rd birthday gift. I love it that people are willing to put such work into a piece of art that will be erased by the next tide."

"What a lovely birthday gift. The memory will last longer than any other, more traditional, present."

Roxanne found this artwork on Shell Beach at The Sea Ranch.

Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

The fog is pretty darn persistent today, but it's a high fog and quite mild. No wind!

Adrian Bennett and Roxanne Holmes were treated to the sight of these cute, newborn twin fawns last week.

It's so wonderful to see new life. Thanks to Roxanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Roxanne took this photo on a sunny day. We had rain this morning, over a 1/2 inch! This afternoon the sun has come out. The Douglas fir trees are trimmed in light green - their new growth is glistening with the raindrops.

Spring doesn't know...