Tag Archives: Ron Bolander

Ron Bolander noticed this Bobcat a ways off in a meadow along Lighthouse Road in Point Arena.

You can clearly see this Bobcat's tufted ears. They love Gophers and Voles and such. The meadows on the way in to the Point Arena Lighthouse have an ample supply!

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

oh, what a beautiful day today. Flat ocean, sunny skies, temps in the low 60's. Gray Whales are going by our portion of the coast now, headed south to the lagoons off Baja.

Laura Baker and Lewis Lubin have a apple tree at their Annapolis place. Their motion camera is pointed in the direction of that tree. We know Black Bears love apples! Last month their camera captured this healthy-looking bear.

Pat Whelan appears to be on a regular route of a Black Bear in The Sea Ranch. A few weeks ago, her camera caught this bear trying to figure out Pat's bear-proof garbage bins. Here's the video:

Black Bear checks out garbage bins, courtesy of Pat Whelan

And Ron Bolander found evidence of a Black Bear at Gualala Point Regional Park just last weekend. The scat is full of bite-sized apples!

Maybe that was more than you wanted to know...

Thanks to Laura, Pat and Ron for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We had a break from the rain on Christmas Day and much of Dec.26th, but the rain has returned in earnest late afternoon on Thursday. Rain total season to date before this afternoon's storm is 33.54 inches. A "normal" rain season at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay is 50 inches.

Ron Bolander was down at the Gualala River when he saw this beautiful Great Blue Heron. He got the magic moment when the heron was about to lift off. And the photo Eric Zetterholm took of the heron looking right at him makes me laugh.


Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Ron and Eric for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

ah, the sunshine today feels so good after all the rain. We got another 0.69 inches yesterday, Monday, for a total of 21.95 season to date. Today the clouds slipped south and sunshine ruled the day.

Ron Bolander found this duo recently. It looks to me like an adult in the back, with a younger Gray Fox in the front.I wonder if they were hunting for a tasty rodent in the grassy meadow where Ron found them.

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

oh, it's a beautiful day here today - breezy and warm, with plenty of blue sky!

Ron Bolander was talking with a friend, his camera in hand, when this small hummingbird landed in a bush bathed in sunlight. Quickly Ron took this picture of the extremely handsome male Allen's Hummingbird.

Such beauty! Their calls, however, are buzzy and they make a sound like a bumblebee with their feathers. You can listen to their calls here, at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Allens_Hummingbird/sounds

Here's a fun fact from the Cornell site:

"Like other birds, Allen's Hummingbirds use their feet to help control their body temperature. When it's cold outside they tuck their feet up against their bellies while flying, but when temperatures soar, they let their feet dangle to cool down."

I think we might need binoculars to see their tiny feet in flight!

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share  his photo with you here.

Very foggy today at the coast though the fog is lifting in the afternoon.