Tag Archives: Rob Diefenbach

Kris and Gary Rose noticed these two Turkey Vultures perched on top two weather vanes at Fort Ross State Historical Park - living weather vanes.

Living weather vanes at Fort Ross by Kris Rose

Turkey Vulture extend their wings to dry them out and to let the sun burn off any microbes they acquired from their job as carrion eaters.

Here's a fun photo taken by Rob Diefenbach, which he titled, "Enter at your own risk!"

Enter at your own risk - a Turkey Vulture by Rob Diefenbach

Fort Ross SHP is a treasure. To learn more about it, here is the link: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=449  Unfortunately they aren't open seven days a week during the winter, so check to make sure they are open before you go. Here's to the day when this wonderful historic park is open every day!

Thanks to Kris and Rob for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Great Blue Herons are year round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. They hunt for a variety of food, including fish and small rodents. Rob Diefenbach recently photographed one on the hunt for a tasty rodent.

Great Blue Heron on the hunt by Rob Diefenbach

And here is a photo by Rozann Grunig of a Great Blue Heron fishing.Great Blue Heron by Rozann Grunig (Medium)

Thanks to Rob and Rozann for allowing me to share their photos with you here.




Rob Diefenbach photographed one of the first Bucks to return to the Coast.

Buck in velvet by Rob Diefenbach

The velvet is a membrane that nourishes the growing antlers. If you could touch it, you'd find it is hot!

Fawns continue to be seen, always a charming sighting.

Thanks to Rob for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Several weeks ago a small storm brushed the Mendonoma Coast. Two photographers captured some lovely photos. Rob Diefenbach got this photo of a Rhododendron.

Rhodi in the rain 5-8-14 by Rob Diefenbach

And Witta Priester used her macro lens to get this fantastic photo of raindrops on rosemary.

Raindrops on Rosemary by Witta Priester

Thanks to Rob and Witta for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

To see more of Witta's photography, here is her link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/wittap/

The fishermen are out plying the waters off the Mendonoma Coast. The season for Dungeness Crab is now open. Deliciousness is headed our way.

The sight of a fishing boat against the setting sun is a beautiful one. Rob Diefenbach photographed such an event.

This was the view earlier in the day, also photographed by Rob. There is a kayaker in the forefront with a big bird overhead.

Thanks to Rob for allowing me to share his photos with you here.