Tag Archives: River Otter takes a Gull

Martin Steinpress captured a big of magic recently - a green flash.

Martin also saw the food chain in action at the Gualala River. Below a River Otter has nabbed a Gull and is taking it to shore for its lunch. I believe there is a second River Otter behind the one carrying the Gull. They do hunt cooperatively.

River Otters swim underneath a group of unsuspecting Gulls and then grabs one for dinner. A River Otter was seen taking a Brown Pelican this way. It can be hard to see but it is part of our natural world.

Thanks to Martin for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

To see a photo of a  green flash that turned into a blue flash and then a purple flash, photographed by Ron LeValley, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/08/10/a-green-flash-that-turned-into-something-more-as-photographed-by-coastal-photographer-ron-levalley/

At the Gualala River Sightings event, Diane Hichwa won the Best Series award with her photos of a River Otter taking a Gull. Though it's not easy to see, it is nature in action.

The first photo Diane entitled "Help!" A River Otter came up underneath a flock of Gulls and nabbed this one.

Other Otters joined in to bring the Gull to shore, which shows they work cooperatively.

And the next photo Diane entitled "Bringing home dinner."

And below is the spot these River Otters use as their "dining table."

Thanks to Diane for her interesting look into the world of River Otters, who live near the mouth of the Gualala River.