Tag Archives: Rick Denniston

Location, location, location...the mantra for valuable real estate. Ospreys love to nest on the Mendonoma coast, as there are rivers and the vast Pacific Ocean. Dinner is only a successful dive away. Rick Denniston recently photographed an Osprey with a fish in its talons.

The chick in the nest that I watch is really getting big and beginning to exercise his/her wings. The parents are beginning to leave the chick alone in the nest now and then, but the father always brings a fish to the mother and chick in the early morning hours.

Here is a close-up of an Osprey taken by Jim O'Brien.

Ospreys migrate far south in the early part of autumn, but while they are here, we very much enjoy watching and hearing them.

Thanks to Rick and Jim for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Rick and Teresa Denniston spotted this 3+ year old Bald Eagle perched on a tall snag below their Gualala home. Two Common Ravens are seen below the big Eagle.

The Ravens were trying to harass the Bald Eagle. You can watch a short video of this at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1WXjv1on3w&feature=youtu.be

The Bald Eagle doesn't seem too concerned about the Ravens. What strikes me is how  much bigger the Eagle is than the Ravens. This Bald Eagle will soon be growing out white feathers on his/her head, denoting that it is an adult.

There have been multiple sightings of what we presume is the same Eagle. Chris Beach took this photo late last year.

Thanks to Rick and Teresa, and to Chris, for allowing me to share their photos and video with you here.


Rick and Teresa Denniston hiked the Salal Trail, one of the public access trails on The Sea Ranch. When they reached the beach, they found this big piece of driftwood perched up on a rock against the bluff.

Rick also photographed a group of Harbor Seals hauled out on the sandbar of the Gualala River last Saturday. He took these photos from his home overlooking the river.  In the first photo the seals are at the bottom right. The following photo is a closeup.

The Dennistons rent out their beautiful home, which is called Serendipity - here is the link. http://rentals.coastinghome.com/rns/property/Serendipit.aspx

Thanks to Rick for allowing me to share his photos with you here. More storms are lined up to hit the coast, beginning tonight. Batten down the hatches!

Last week Rick Denniston photographed the Gualala River. You can see the tree with the root ball lodged in the sandbar.

A look at the Gualala River on Saturday by Rick Denniston

The next day, after a pretty big storm, this is what Rick saw. The tree with the root ball is now hanging over the eroded sandbar.

What a difference a day makes - the Gualala River on Sunday by Rick Denniston

Bob Rutemoeller photographed the fast and furious river.

The fast and furious Gualala River by Bob Rutemoeller

The muddy water stretched far out into the Pacific Ocean.

There is a community meeting tomorrow, Thursday March 17th, at 5:30 pm at the Gualala Community Center regarding a terrible timber harvest plan in the floodplain of the Gualala River dubbed "Dogwood." Hope to see some of you there!

For more information about the “Dogwood” logging plan, here's the link to Friends of the Gualala River website: http://gualalariver.org/slider-front-page/gualala-municipal-advisory-council-hold-public-meeting-gualala-river-mouth-redwood-logging-plan/

Thanks to Rick and Bob for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Rick and Teresa Denniston took a walk at Gualala Point Regional Park. The wave were crashing quite dramatically.

Crashing waves at Gualala Point Regional Park by Rick Deniston

We are waiting for a big storm to hit. Residents have stocked up on food and firewood, just in case. Winds of 40 miles an hour are predicted and that can mean power outages. We need the rain so we say, "Bring it on, Mother Nature!"

Thanks to Rick and Teresa for allowing me to share their photo with you here.