Tag Archives: rare plant

Rick and I donated a brunch and wildflower walk as a raffle prize for the recent Ocean Film Festival and it was won by Richey Wasserman. On the wildflower walk two weeks ago, we were able to show him and his three guests a very rare plant, a Gnome Plant, Hemitomes congestum. Merita Whatley photographed it.

Gnome Plant at the Jacksons by Merita Whatley

These two are growing on a path we call the Huckleberry trail, named for the many huckleberry bushes alongside it. Gnome Plants are members of the Heath family. In Reny Parker's wildflower book, she writes, "The Gnome Plant is so secretive and illusive one is as likely to encounter a forest gnome as see one of these deep forest dwellers." I was particularly happy to be able to show the group this unusual and rare plant.

Thanks to Merita for allowing me to share her photo with you here.


Fringed Corn Lilies, Veratrum fimbriatum, are rare, growing in shaded, moist areas on the Sonoma and Mendocino Coasts. The plant's leaves are quite beautiful when they emerge in the spring. Fringed Corn Lilies are beginning to bloom as we head for the first day of autumn. The leaves now show wear and tear, but the beautiful blossom rises above it all.

I have two pictures of the blossom to share with you. First John Sperry's photo, showing the fresh blossom and the riddled leaves.

And next is Nan Brichetto's close-up photo of the blossom.

And if you'd like to see the leaves as they looked this spring, you can click on this link to an April posting here on Mendonoma Sightings! http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/04/08/fringed-corn-lily-leaves-a-rare-mendonoma-plant/