Tag Archives: rainbow

On Sunday May 8th, Jeff Goll was at MacKerricher State Park during the most recent rains. He got this beautiful and unusual photo of a Western Gull in flight. Jeff calls this a hooded gull.

He then spotted a Western Gull - perhaps the same Gull? - nab a Shrimp for its meal.

Rain showers coming in!

Followed by a rainbow.

MacKerricher State Park  is located three miles north of Fort Bragg in Mendocino County. It has nine miles of coastline to explore. You can learn more about this wonderful park at this link: https://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=436

Thanks to Jeff for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

It's sunny, but there is fog hovering over the ocean, which keeps the temperature nice and cool. It's springtime breezy too!

Here's what Kim Marquardt wrote about her video, “We captured some fantastic video on our Ring camera last Thursday night. At about 8:30 pm, not one, not two, but THREE Mountain Lions strolled through our property. We’re between Sunset and Fish Rock.”

Here is the video:

I believe there are two adults and a young Cougar in Kim's video. We know Mountain Lions live here. It's important, especially this time of year, to have your dogs and kitties safe inside. I've seen a study where Mountain Lions don't like the sound of human voices. When I have to take my golden retriever out at dark, I chat away!

Thanks to Kim for allowing me to share her video with you here.

It's cooler today with breezes and clouds zipping by. There was enough moisture in one cloud early this morning, as I witnessed this rainbow spilling out of a cloud.

Let's face it, 2021 was a tough year for us humans. But the beauty of Mother Earth continued unabated. Carl Shapiro photographed this rainbow last Monday, from The Sea Ranch. Such beauty!

Look how green and lush the coast looks after all the wonderful rain we've had!

Michael Beattie also photographed a magnificent rainbow, this one appeared near Point Arena about ten days ago.

Thanks to Carl and Michael for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Breezy and very chilly on the Mendonoma Coast today. Several dozen Gray Whales were spotted yesterday, Thursday, headed south. Looks like the southward migration has begun in earnest. Many thousand of Grays still to swim by, headed for the birthing lagoons off Baja California. You can see some photos of the whales seen yesterday on Shari Goforth-Eby's blog at this link: https://mendonomagraywhale.com/migraytions-blog-home/f/the-southbound-migration-is-in-full-swing

Happy New Year! May 2022 be a better year for us all.

Ron Champoux photographed a beautiful rainbow over The Sea Ranch after the last storm.

There is sure to be a pot of gold on those rocks!

Thanks to Ron for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

ooo, it's windy today. Real windy. It's the kind of day you don't bother worrying about your hair. A friend calls this "egg beater hair."

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I never take seeing a rainbow for granted. They bring delight every time. Irene and Rolf Fandrey photographed this one in Anchor Bay with a Common Raven flying by.

This one was photographed by Christopher Arnold off of Black Point Beach, Sea Ranch.

Thanks to the Fandreys and Christopher for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Today, after a pretty darn big rainstorm, we have sunny, mild weather. More rain for tomorrow. Bring it on, Mother Nature!