Tag Archives: rain totals

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I've seen Scarlett Waxy Caps in the forest, but I've never seen a wooden photographer taking a photo of one!

Hope you enjoy this fun photo taken by Craig Tooley. To see much more of Craig's  nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

Rain and more rain! 7.87 inches since Friday. 48.60 season to date. A "normal" wet winter here is 50.00 inches. We're going to surpass that number.

Yesterday we had the first storm, which brought 1.94 inches of rain. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the color in the sky. I don't believe I've seen the sky look quite like this before.

The colors intensified for a minute as the sun began to sink below the horizon. I saw a green flash for a second or two. I caught a hint of it in the photo below.

At 4 pm on Sunday, we've had a little over 0.90 inches and it's still raining. My season to date roared past 41 inches yesterday. 50 inches is a "normal" wet winter at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Hooray!

Rozanne Rapozo went to Gualala Point Regional Park on Saturday and photographed one of the big waves coming in.

Thanks to Rozanne for allowing me to share her photo with you here. Tomorrow I will end the year with some beautiful rainbow photos. I did see a rainbow this morning, always a gift.

The Pacific Ocean is roaring today. The storm has moved on and we have several days of dry weather. This week's storms brought 4.15 inches of rain at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Season to date is 18.43 inches!

Gail Jackson noticed this Peregrine Falcon in a tree at Gualala Point Regional Park. The falcon was soaked from the rain.

This falcon doesn't look too happy! Here's a photo of a Peregrine Falcon soaring, taken by Michael Beattie. This Peregrine had much better weather for hunting.

Thanks to Gail and Michael for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

We've had a storm overnight and another one today. We have soared past 26 inches season to date at our place in Anchor Bay. Up ahead for next week? Sunny and mild!