Tag Archives: raging river

Mike Nelson is a talented drone pilot. He photographed the raging, muddy Gualala River after the recent big storm.

The Gualala River after the river of rain, medium version by Mike Nelson

Here is a link to Friends of Gualala River, where a longer version is shared. Mike photographed some of the beautiful waves off of the river. I think you will really enjoy watching it.


Here is a photo of the flooded Gualala River that I took two years ago to give you an idea what the river can look like after a great deal of rain. I photographed the river from Gualala Point Regional Park on a very stormy day.

Thanks to Mike for allowing me to share his video with you here, and for allowing FoGR to share his longer version. Mike is the owner of MD Electric and Solar here in Gualala, https://www.mdelectricsolar.com/

We are waiting for the next couple of storms. One is to arrive tonight, and another one tomorrow, Sunday, and into Monday.

A big, wet storm dropped a lot of rain on the Mendonoma Coast. At our house in Anchor Bay we received over 6 1/2 inches of rain in two days. The Garcia River flooded Highway One yesterday, closing the road. It reopened this morning. Chris Howard photographed the Gualala River yesterday and it was full to the brim and moving fast.

The Gualala River is full to the brim by Chris Howard The raging Gualala River by Chris Howard

The raging river blew out the rest of the sandbar to the north. The river is something to behold!

Thanks to Chris for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

If you are on the Mendonoma Coast tomorrow, Dec. 13th, the Ernest Bloch Bell Ringers will be performing their holiday concert at the Gualala Arts Center at 3 pm. I am the director/conductor, so you could have a sighting of me, along with the sound of beautiful handbells. Here is the group:

The Ernest Bloch Bell Ringers Summer 2014 by Rick Jackson (Large)