Tag Archives: Pyrola aphylla

Pyrola aphylla has the common name of Leafless Wintergreen, which really doesn't make sense. It does have very small leaves at the base of its stems. Peter Baye has a beautiful group of them blooming at his place in Annapolis.

Last year I had a group bloom, but this year there are only two very small stalks. I don't know why! But these plants are mycotrophic, which means they have a relationship with fungi, getting nutrients.

These plants are native to California.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Sunny and warm, with some strong winds near the ocean this afternoon.

Another unusual plant appeared recently, one I have never seen before. It's Pyrola aphylla and has a rather silly common name of Leafless Wintergreen. It's blooming on the forest floor now. Craig Tooley came by several weeks ago and photographed the plants, which were just barely beginning to bloom. Craig's close-up of the bottom of the cluster shows several new shoots coming up and extremely small leaves.

More recently Mary Sue Ittner and Amy Ruegg, along with others, came over to see them too. You can see by Mary Sue's photo that most of the blossoms have opened  up.

And here's Amy's closeup of the beautiful flowers. Pyrola aphylla are perennial herbs and native to California.

For me, the amazing thing is, I've never seen them on Rick's and my land before, and we've been here over 27 years. What a welcome surprise!

Thanks to Craig, Mary Sue, and Amy for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Another foggy, cool day near the coast!