Margaret Lindgren, of Unbeaten Path Hiking Tours, regularly takes visitors to the Mendonoma Coast on a tour of the Point Arena/Stornetta Lands. Recently she took a group during a minus tide.

The minus tide revealed this bridge. This is what Margaret wrote, “The minus tide has been incredible these past few days. Yesterday was a minus .6 tide and I was astonished at the exposure of the land bridge to Sea Lion Rock during our tour of the Stornetta Lands. Unbelievable! I rarely see it like this.”
Though tempting to walk over to Sea Lion Rock, it is illegal, as it is protected under the auspices of the California Coastal National Monument. The PA/Stornetta Lands are also part of the Monument, the first land-based portion to be so designated.
For the second time Margaret's clients were Diane Keaton, Sarah Paulson and friends. Here Margaret poses with her guests. Margaret is the one with red hair.

Looks like everyone approved of the fun hike at the beautiful Stornetta Lands.
Thanks to Margaret for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To learn more about her fabulous tours, here is her website: