Tag Archives: Point Arena

We have been on "Al" watch since late last month and we were beginning to think this unique Laysan Albatross wasn't going to grace us with its presence this winter. There was a possible sighting on Dec. 6th by a visitor from Chicago but there was no confirmation by others and no photo. Nancy Morin saw Al on Saturday, Dec. 22nd and her sighting was confirmed.

Mark Ricci photographed surfer Kim Swenson interacting with "Al" in the late afternoon on Dec. 24th.

To learn more about Point Arena's most famous visitor, here's the link to the Mendocino  Coast Audubon Society: http://www.mendocinocoastaudubon.org/mcas_al.html  It has a schedule of Al's (or Alice's) comings and goings.

Thanks to Mark for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see a close-up photo of Al, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/12/06/al-the-laysan-albatross-returned-yesterday/


The B. Bryan Preserve has welcomed their first giraffes - two young male Rothschild Giraffes. They come from the San Diego Zoo. Several more arrived last Thursday.

Here is one of the first arrivals. He weighs over 1300 pounds. So beautiful and so unique. There are less than seven hundred of these giraffes left in the wild.

Thanks to Judy Mello for allowing me to share her photo with you here. To learn more about this fascinating preserve, here's the link: http://www.bbryanpreserve.com/ 

There have been sightings of a Gray Whale or two off the Mendonoma Coast. This whale was photographed by John Batchelder. It was seen off of The Sea Ranch.

Another Gray Whale was spotted by Ken Bailey off of Point Arena. Ken was out in his boat when he saw the whale. But Ken saw something else that really surprised him - a Mola mola. They like warm water so this might be a sign the Tuna are or will soon be running. No photo of the very strange-looking Sunfish. Ken said it was so big a Gull was sitting on it! Amazing.
Thanks to John for allowing me to share his photo with you here. 

After two years of closures and last year's sub par year, it's a joy to report that the fishing for King Salmon has been great off our coast. Jack Likins and Charles Zinser fished out of Arena Cove in Point Arena and look at the big one that didn't get away - 27.5 pounds of beautiful Salmon.

You will see that the two men went out in a Zodiac. And that's sure a happy smile on Charles' face.

Thanks to Jack for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Surfing is popular off of Arena Cove in Point Arena. Recently Michelle Schubert photographed someone enjoying the waves.

It's necessary to wear a wet suit as the water is always cold off the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Michelle for sharing her photo with us here. To see a photo of surfing off of Black Point Beach on The Sea Ranch, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/12/14/surfing-at-black-point-beach-and-a-day-of-unusual-visibility-in-the-pacific-ocean/