Tag Archives: Point Arena

Salmon fishing hasn't been this good in well over thirty years. Salmon - big ones - seem to be there for the taking. Commercial fishers and recreational fishers are having the best luck lately. It's heartening to know these fish are back in such abundance.

Jack Likins went out from Point Arena with two friends. Here's what he had to say: 
"Ken Bailey, Pat Killen and I went out salmon fishing yesterday.  We arrived at the Point Arena Pier at 7 am and were 8th in line for launching our boat.  By the time we got our boat in the water at 8 am there were already people returning with their limits of salmon.  We had our limit (2 fish per person) by about noon.  It seemed like almost all the returning boats were limiting out with big fish."
Here's a photo of Pat holding a 22 pound Salmon. What a beauty!
Thanks to Jack for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The heat wave we had been experiencing broke yesterday. Last Saturday we had the highest temperature we've ever had in 17 years of living here - 96 degrees. We weren't sad to see the heat go. This morning's early sunrise was reflected off some beautiful clouds with the calm ocean underneath, as seen from our deck.

The Pacific Ocean has no whitecaps today and fishing boats are out. Salmon fishing has been great lately. I'll share a photo showing a beautiful salmon soon.

Tomorrow we celebrate the 4th of July, commemorating the birth of America. Here on the Mendonoma Coast, we will celebrate on Saturday the 6th with fireworks in Point Arena and a parade on Sunday.

Barry Semegran noticed an unusual cloud formation in the sky north of Point Arena. It appeared just after the devastating tornadoes hit Oklahoma. Barry titled his photo, "Sympathy tornado."

Thanks to Barry for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Judy Mello wrote, “This is a Hartmann’s Mountain Zebra. This species of zebra is on the endangered species list, with less than 6,000 left in the world. She/he already has its dewlap under its neck and the classic zipper pattern on its tail.” It looks like Mom is keeping a close eye on her little one.

Several more births are expected this summer at the preserve and several more animals will be joining the herd from San Diego Safari Park in June.

A visit to B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena would be a unique thing to do. By reservation you can be there when the animals are being fed. They also have several guest cottages for rent. It's beautiful there - like you've entered another world. To learn more about the preserve, here's the link: http://www.bbryanpreserve.com/

So tiny yet so exquisite, Calypso Orchids are blooming in undisturbed forests on the Mendonoma Coast. Jinx McCombs is lucky to have a patch of them on her property near Point Arena. She took this close-up so you can see its lovely blossom.

This wildflower needs a fungus in the soil to thrive so you should never try to transplant one. If you are fortunate enough to come across one, just appreciate it its natural habitat.

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photo with  you here.