Tag Archives: Point Arena

Peter Cracknell photographed this surfer and titled his photos, "Wipe out!"

Wipe out in big waves off Point Arena by Peter Cracknell

You can see the Bull Kelp in the water. I'm sure this surfer got back on his or her board and road the waves again.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

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Perhaps it was one of the recent storms that blew this rare visitor to Point Arena. Leslie Dahlhoff wrote, “How exciting! Eric, the non-birder, actually spotted it in our backyard and told me I should check it out. There I saw the sunniest, yellowest bird seriously chowing down on aphids in the artichoke.”

A rare visitor - a male Prothonotary Warbler by Leslie Dahlhoff male Prothonotary Warbler by Leslie Dahlhoff

This songbird is usually found in wooded swamps in the southeast. Wow, is this bird off course! To hear its call, here is a link to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Prothonotary_Warbler/sounds

Thanks to Leslie for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

There has been a bloom of very large Boletus edulis, Porcini mushrooms. Jinx McCombs came across this huge one near Point Arena.
_I'm afraid we've come too late - a huge, over-the-hill Boletus edulis by Jinx McCombsjpg

Jinx's dog posed next to the big bolete, which Jinx said was over the hill. Jinx and her husband, Paul Nordstrand, did find a nice cache of boletes though.

Paul Nordstrand with his haul of Boletus edulis by Jinx McCombsPaul is cleaning and slicing his find. When I find a large amount like this, I dry them in a dehydrator. It's easy to reconstitute them in a dish of water or red wine.

We did not have a good mushroom season last year due to dry conditions. This year, thank goodness, rains have come early. May they continue! And the rain brings wonderful edible mushrooms for us, and other creatures of the forest, to enjoy.

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

Jinx McCombs and Paul Nordstrand have a stone jaguar on their land near Point Arena. A Bobcat sauntered up and then froze, looking at the statue.

Thursday Bobcat by Jinx McCombs

The Bobcat then slunk carefully past the statue.

Timid Bobcat passes by stone Jaguar by Jinx McCombs

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her fun photos with you here.

Carolyn André was near Point Arena when she pulled over to take a photo of the spectacular sky.

Drew Fagan photographed the sunset over Sail Rock.

And Don Spear captured this beautiful sunset.

There is always something beautiful to see here on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Carolyn, Drew and Don for allowing me to share their photos with you here.