There has been a bloom of very large Boletus edulis, Porcini mushrooms. Jinx McCombs came across this huge one near Point Arena.

Jinx's dog posed next to the big bolete, which Jinx said was over the hill. Jinx and her husband, Paul Nordstrand, did find a nice cache of boletes though.
Paul is cleaning and slicing his find. When I find a large amount like this, I dry them in a dehydrator. It's easy to reconstitute them in a dish of water or red wine.
We did not have a good mushroom season last year due to dry conditions. This year, thank goodness, rains have come early. May they continue! And the rain brings wonderful edible mushrooms for us, and other creatures of the forest, to enjoy.
Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photos with you here.