Tag Archives: Point Arena

We finally got power restored this afternoon. Four days is a long time to be out. But I'm glad to be back up and to share nature sightings with you today.

Jinx McCombs and Paul Nordstrand have a motion-detector camera set up at their Point Arena property. Look what they recently recorded. First, a Bobcat.

And a Coyote!

And a big Buck.

Thanks to Jinx for allowing me to share her photos with you here.

It's sunny and cool on the Mendonoma coast today, with some smoke from the Kincaid Fire in Sonoma County. The smoke is giving us eerie sunsets, just about perfect for Halloween tomorrow!


This big Bobcat, a male, was seen by Steve Bennett crossing the highway in Point Arena where the roadwork has been taking place, the south end of town.

With the rut of the Black-tailed Deer about to begin, and a Bobcat crossing the highway, it's time to slow down on coast roads.

Thanks to Steve for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

We are having sunny, mild weather with sunsets to make you sigh in delight.

Michael Beattie photographed one of three Gray Fox kits under the deck of the Pacific Community Charter School in Point Arena.

The kits love to play and wrestle with each other. Having a family under a deck or woodshed is guaranteed to give  you many hours of fun watching their antics.

Thanks to  Michael for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Sunny and breezy seems to be the name of the weather game these days. The sunrise this morning was spectacular but very fleeting. If someone got a photo of it, I hope to share it here.


The B Bryan Preserve in Point Arena is a private preserve dedicated to the breeding and preservation of African hoof Stock, which includes several species of antelopes, zebras and giraffes. Today I'm happy to show you Teeny, a young Greater Kudu Antelope.

Judy Mello, co-owner of the B Bryan Preserve, wrote, “This is a young Greater Kudu named Teeny. He is small for his age because he was sick. He has been isolated while he gets better. Mary Little, grandmother of our Keeper Genna Little, painted this cute picture of him and they hung it over his barn.”

It’s like seeing double, Teeny under his painting. To learn more about this fabulous Preserve, here is a link to their website: https://www.bbryanpreserve.com/

You can book a tour and even stay in a cute cabin on the preserve, something I'd like to do sometime soon! Thanks to Judy for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Fog is hugging the coastline today, but brilliant sunshine a bit away from the coast. Happy first day of June!

African animals in Point Arena? You bet! Here's what Judy Mello of the B Bryan Preserve says about their mission: "We are a private preserve actively committed to the breeding and preservation of African hoof Stock. Our various species of zebra, giraffe, and antelope range from critically endangered to endangered, and range in large, open fields on our property in Point Arena, California."

Here is Willie, as cute as he can be. Willie is a newborn Hartmann's Mountain Zebra, photo take by Judy.

Harm Wilkinson was driving by the preserve when he saw this scene - two newborn Sable Antelopes among the adults.

One of the young ones is partially obscured in Harm’s photo. I queried Judy Mello and she wrote, “Those are two girls, Liz and Eva. Also, now Carl has joined them.”

The Preserve has regular visiting hours, and several overnight accomodations. You can learn more at their website: https://www.bbryanpreserve.com/

Thanks to Judy and Harm for allowing me to share their photos with you here.