Tag Archives: Point Arena

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Judy and Frank Mello have a wonderful preserve for endangered African animals right in Point Arena called the B. Bryan Preserve. You can see the exotic critters grazing in the fields as you drive up Riverside Drive.

Judy sent me a great photo if a young Grevy's Zebra, which is very startled by the appearance of a Gopher. I imagine the zebra saying, "Mom! What the heck???" It made me laugh and I hope you enjoy it too.

This would be a fantastic place to stay when visiting the Mendonoma Coast. Afternoon tours are also offered by appointment. Here's their web site to learn more. http://www.bbryanpreserve.com/

Salmon fishing has been so good this past week that the commercial fishing fleet has been here. They anchor overnight in Point Arena and Anchor Bay. Their lights twinkle in the darkness, looking like a diamond necklace strung out over the Pacific Ocean. I rose before dawn to take this photo - the ocean was so calm some of the boats stayed out rather than anchor off-shore. You don't see that very often!


It all began in 2005 - the birth of the Golden Retriever Love Brigade. Point Arena hosts an annual 4th of July parade down Highway One, which closes the road for an hour. The previous year Rick and I attended the parade and there weren't many entries. I was disappointed! So I decided to come up with an entry myself and my inspiration was my Golden Retriever, Huckleberry.

Since then we've had Love Brigade in every parade and this year was no different. Elsa and Emily did a wonderful job carrying our big sign this year. We won first prize in our division!

Gualala Point Island is a large, rocky island sitting off the northernmost end of The Sea Ranch. It is a haven for many birds and pinnipeds and many of us enjoy watching them from the bluffs. But on the far side, where we landlubbers cannot see, there is a large colony of Brandt's Cormorants currently nesting.

TSR are Stewards of the rocks and islands off their stretch of the coast, which are part of the California Coastal National Monument. They have formed a Task Force to monitor the seabirds. Recently their aerial photographer Craig Tooley went up with pilot Tom Osborne as part of their 5th year of monitoring and captured this photo. There are also some Common Murres in the photo, a cause for excitement. There is hope they may be prospecting for nests. And one lone Gull at the top, hoping for a free meal.

This is the big reason why fireworks over the 4th of July weekend in Gualala are a bad idea. We are fortunate to have nesting seabirds here. Don't feel sorry for us! We have fireworks in Point Arena 11 miles to the north.


A mother Gray Whale and her calf were photographed by Richard Denniston from his vacation home, Serendipity, which overlooks the Gualala River and the Pacific Ocean. Rick has shared some fabulous photos of whales with Sightings over the past several years from this vantage spot. Looking for a special place to rent? This is it! http://www.serendipityview.com/

 There had been numerous Gray Whale sightings until the winds began several days ago. Hundreds of whales could be passing by and we'd never know because of the white caps. Last week though, a Minke Whale was spotted swimming with two female Gray Whales and two calves for protection. They were, of course, migrating north. Lots of krill reported in the waters off of Point Arena, which means good feeding for our beloved cetaceans.