Tag Archives: Point Arena


 Carolyn André entitles her sighting as, "A cow, a bird, and a damn near miracle." Here's her story.

"Okay, these aren't the best pictures I've ever taken. But I thought this was amazing. Today I was out near the Pt. Arena Reservation and I stopped on the road because I saw a calf chasing swarms of birds. He was running around, tail up and moving. It was adorable. Reminded me of a cat. He was so playing and clearly having a good time."

"More birds flew around and he chased them still."

"But then he caught a bird!*?* Have you ever heard of a cow catching a bird? A calf at that? I'm sure no one has heard of a calf or cow catching a bird! It was amazing."

Carolyn told me the surprised calf quickly let the bird go. The bird flew off unscathed but surely bewildered as to what had just happened to it. Now that's something you don't see every day! Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her story and photos with you here.

Linda and Jorge Dorticos share their lives with a beautiful golden retriever named Tula. Tula became fascinated with several of the Grevy's Zebras at the B. Bryan Preserve in Point Arena.

It sure looks like Tula is smiling at the Zebras! Tula and her mom, Linda, are members of the Golden Retriever Love Brigade, a popular entry in Point Arena's 4th of July parade. Here's the link to see photos of last year's Love Brigade: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/07/04/golden-retriever-love-brigade-a-point-arena-4th-of-july-parade-tradition/

And to learn more about the wildlife preserve, here's an earlier posting on this site: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/02/a-young-grevys-zebra-at-the-b-byran-preserve-in-point-arena/

Lobster mushrooms, Hypomyces lactifluorum, are some of the strangest looking mushrooms I've seen. Well, they aren't exactly mushrooms but are a fungus that has taken over a host mushroom, usually a Milk Cap or a Russula. The technical term for what Lobster mushrooms are is parasitic ascomycete. This fungus envelopes the host mushroom, twisting it into strange shapes and turning it orange, hence the Lobster name.

Many people believe these are among the most delicious of the edible mushrooms. Linda Bostwick found this one growing in Point Arena. The host mushroom is some type of Russula.

Thanks to Linda for allowing me to share her photo with you here!


Judy Mello headed out with her camera to try and get a photo of the Kingfisher visiting a pond at the B. Bryan Preserve. Then she noticed one of the Preserve's Grevy's Zebras eating her roses! No picture of the Kingfisher but Judy got this nice one entitled, "Stop and eat the roses."

Here's a link to a newborn Grevy's Zebra at the Preserve that was startled to see a Gopher for the first time: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/08/02/a-young-grevys-zebra-at-the-b-byran-preserve-in-point-arena/
And to see what is going on at this fascinating place, here is the web site for the B. Bryan Preserve: http://www.bbryanpreserve.com/


C'Anna Bergman-Hill recently visited the Stornetta Lands with her camera in tow. There is much to explore on this 1132 acre paradise, with 2 miles of oceanfront. I've previously posted a photo of the lovely waterfall that can be found there. C'Anna's photos will show you more of this beautiful spot on the Mendocino Coast.

                                              Here is an offshore rock with a tunnel.

A sink hole along the trail.
Gulls taking a bath at the top of the waterfall.
Thank to C'Anna for allowing me to share her photos!