Tag Archives: Point Arena Pintos


Jacqueline McAbery cares for a herd of wild Pintos south of Point Arena. They are beautiful animals and it's a treat to see them on the east side of Highway One. Polka Dot, the mom, was expected to give birth in the summer but she surprised everyone by giving birth in November. Thunder is the proud father. Here's a photo of Polka Dot with her filly, Chie.

To see more photos of the Point Arena Pintos, here's a link to Jacqueline's blog: http://pointarenapintos.blogspot.com/
And to see a photo of another filly that was born in May, click here and meet Little Lady: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/05/29/a-newborn-pinto-joins-the-herd-in-point-arena-meet-little-lady/


Jacqueline McAbrey joyfully announces that the Point Arena Pintos have a new foal. Mama gave birth to a perfect filly on Tuesday the 24th, Jacqueline believes. You can see from the photo that she is brown and white. She has been named "Little Lady" after Lady who passed away in March.

These wild horses are a thrill to see as we drive north on Highway One. You can read more about them on Jacqueline's blog. http://pointarenapintos.blogspot.com/ There are many more photos and stories about these beautiful creatures. Thanks to Jacqueline for letting me share these two photos.