Tag Archives: Phil Lewenthal

Normally we have warm weather in October, but this year is different. A massive fog bank has been evident most recent days, sometimes extending up over the ridge. Phil Lewenthal photographed a rare fogbow, also called a white rainbow or mistbow. Phil took this photo and told me the fogbow then disappeared.

Carolyn Andre photographed the fog covering the Pacific Ocean along Highway One. Doesn't it look like whipped cream?

With the fog comes high humidity...and low fire danger, something for which we are grateful.

Thanks to Phil and Carolyn for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Yep, it's foggy today, temps in the low 60's. I can see that it is sunny this afternoon on the ridge. Micro climates!


Last week the Pacific Ocean was turbulent, and big waves hit coastal bluffs, rocks and beaches. Phil Lewenthal photographed the impressive action at Salt Point State Park.

It gives me goosebumps to see the power of these crashing waves.

Thanks to Phil for allowing me to share his photos with you here.

Phil Lewenthal's time lapse photography is beautiful to see. He recently photographed Sea Stars and the waves.

Phil's photo shows the resilience and strength of the Sea Stars against the power of the waves.

Thanks to Phil for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's sunny in Anchor Bay this afternoon, and in the low 70s. Lovely!

In the late spring, the non-native iceplant blooms on the bluffs at Black Point on The Sea Ranch, and Phil Lewenthal was there to photograph it. It is beautiful, there is no doubt!

Another look.

Thanks to Phil for allowing me to share his striking photos with you here.

The wind returned this afternoon. It's suppose to heat up beginning Thursday.

Phil Lewenthal wrote, "This is a long exposure photo of a Harbor Seal basking on the rocks at Sea Ranch that I came across on a walk along the bluff.”

I love this photo - it could be a painting.

Thanks to Phil for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

It's a lovely, breezy day on the Mendonoma Coast today.