Tag Archives: Peter Baye


I have long admired the delicate foliage of this lovely little plant blooming on the forest floor on our property in Anchor Bay but until this past week I didn't know the name of it. I sent a photo to Peter Baye and he let me know I had found an uncommon annual herb native to California - Sweet Bedstraw or Galium triflorum. It's another native plant that has medicinal qualities. An infusion of the plant has been used in the treatment of gallstones and kidney complaints. It's aromatic as it dries and is used as stuffing material in mattresses though it would take so many of these little plants that I don't see how that would be possible! It has tiny white flowers that are so small they are difficult to see. Sweet Bedstraw - another forest dweller for me to appreciate on my daily walks with Rick and Huckleberry.


So small and delicate you might overlook it, the Redwood Pea is blooming now on the Mendonoma Coast. Its Latin name is Lathyrus torreyi and it is a California native. It's a perennial herb and it is blooming in the forest on our property in Anchor Bay and also in several sunnier spots. Peter Baye tells me they are not too common these days and he encourages his wherever he finds them. Now this native wildflower is even more precious to me.

A beautiful bright yellow wildflower is blooming in sunny, dry places on the Mendonoma Coast now. It's name is Goldwire or Hypericum concinnum. Rick and I have several nice clumps of this perennial herb on our property in Anchor Bay. Peter Baye recently identified it for me. There are many subtlety different yellow wildflowers blooming now. But Goldwire is unique enough to stand out and say, "Look at me!" Its stems are very wirey. It's a member of the St. John's-wort family and is only found in California. It's a California native just like me!