Tag Archives: Peter Baye

Lewis Lubin found this unusual salamander. He wrote,

“My wife and I were removing jubata grass from around our spring box in a creek on our property in Annapolis. We came across this adult California Giant Salamander. It measured about nine inches long, and was incredibly beautiful.”

The beady eyes of a CA Giant Salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus, by Lewis Lubin

This salamander barks if disturbed. Here is a look at the entire salamander, photographed by Peter Baye:


They have a natural camouflage!

Thanks to Lewis and Peter for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Fog has made a welcome appearance so it looks like our heat wave is coming to an end. Hooray!

Peter Baye noticed this yellow Crab Spider on a King's Gentian, Gentiana Sceptrum.

Crab spider on Gentiana sceptrum by Peter Baye

Crab Spiders can change their color to match their hiding place, at least from yellow to white. But they can't match the vivid blue of the Gentian!

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Peter Baye noticed a group of Steelhead in the Gualala River. One of them was nearly white - a leucistic Steelhead.

Leucistic steelhead with normal colored Steelhead by Peter Baye

That's not something you see every day! Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Peter Baye recently photographed Leopard Lilies, Lilium pardalinum, a native wildflower.

Leopard Lilies by Peter BayeThis wildflower is usually found near water. It is also called Panther Lily or Tiger Lily. Whatever you call it, it is beautiful to to see in bloom.

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photo with you here.


Peter Baye found this beauty blooming on a rocky outcrop along the Gualala River. Its common name is Wallflower, and its scientific name is Erysimum capitatum. It doesn't look like a shy, retiring wallflower to me!

Wallflowers, Erysimum capitatum, by Peter BayePeter describes this flower as egg-yolk yellow, and you can see why. Peter had previously photographed a different species of Wallflower, Erysimum menziesii ssp menziesii.

Menzies Wallflower - Erysimum menziesii ssp. menziesii - by Peter Baye

Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photos with you here.