Tag Archives: peaceful moment

Don Chigazola trained his camera on this Fawn peering at him through the foliage.

A peaceful moment, brought to  you by Don and Mother Nature.

Thanks to Don for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Tom Fleischman noticed two Does preening each other. As they preened, a Gray Fox wandered into the scene. Tom wasn't sure what would happen. But the Does and the Fox were peaceful, apparently living in harmony.


The Gray Fox looked over at Tom and turned his head to either side, as if asking, "which do you prefer?" Then the fox disappeared into the bushes.

Thanks to Tom for allowing me to share this peace on earth moment with you here.

A few weeks ago the Moon and Venus were side by side in the sky. I took these photos from our deck in Anchor Bay. A lone fishing boat was still plying the waters.

A peaceful, beautiful moment in time here on the Mendonoma Coast.