Tag Archives: Paul Kozal

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I wanted to show you these other two photos of the Northern Lights we had two weeks ago, but first they appeared in the Independent Coast Observer. Paul Kozal's photo  on the right, of the Sea Ranch Chapel and the Northern Lights, graced page one. Just spectacular! The one on the left is a bonus photo for you to see.

Joni Goshorn got a different look, a wonderful look, at the Northern Lights, with the Point Arena Lighthouse in the distance, and the moon on the left.

What a special treat to see the Northern Lights here on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Joni and Paul for allowing me to share their photos with you here. Visit Paul Kozal's website to see more of his photography at this link: https://www.paulkozal.com/Visit-the-Gallery

It's sunny and breezy here today, highs in the low 70's!


Last Saturday Point Arena held their fireworks show and the weather couldn't  have been better. The fog was AWOL and there was the slightest of breezes. Paul Kozal set up on the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands to get these great photos.

I do think it's time - past time, actually - to replace fireworks with laser light show or a drone show. But I can't deny the beauty of the fireworks last weekend at Point Arena.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Paul's photography, here is a link to his website: https://www.paulkozal.com/ And you can visit his gallery in Gualala, Studio 391, at the Cypress Center.

It's sunny and breezy again today. Warmer weather is predicted beginning Tuesday. Beach weather, anyone?

I thought  you might enjoy this holiday wreath made up of Fly Amanita mushrooms, Amanita muscaria.

A lovely way to celebrate the holiday season!

Thanks to Paul and Carol for allowing me to share their creation and photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: https://www.paulkozal.com/ and if you are on the Mendonoma Coast, you can visit his gallery in Gualala: https://www.paulkozal.com/Visit-the-Gallery

We had a pretty strong storm overnight last night that brought 1.4 inches of rain. We sailed past 30 inches of rain so far this season, more than we had all of last season. Keep it coming, Mother Nature!

Two talented coast photographers were out in the wee hours of the night, photographing the Super Flower Blood Moon of May 26, 2021. First, here is Paul Kozal's lovely photo with the moon shining on the Pacific Ocean.

Rozanne Rapozo was up all night - she told me "sleep is overrated!" She put together this series of photos to show us the progression of the eclipse. Amazing!

I took a photo at dawn just minutes before the moon set.

Thanks to Paul and Rozanne for allowing me to share their photos with you here. To see much more of Rozanne's nature photography, here is the link to her website: http://www.natureasiseeit.com/

And to see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.paulkozal.com/

The fog moved in this morning, though I can see blue skies up on the ridge. Micro climates!

Paul Kozal chose the Sea Ranch Chapel as the location to photograph the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. He got this lovely photo of the event that hadn't been seen since the Middle Ages.

People started calling the conjunction the Christmas Star. It was amazing to see the two planets so close together, as least from our perspective.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is a link to his website: http://www.studio391.net/paul_kozal/paul_kozal.htm

We are graced with a sunny winter day today.