Tag Archives: Paul Brewer

Castle Rock is off the north end of Gualala. There is a flat rock in front of it that the waves hit, throwing white water at Castle Rock. Paul Brewer recently took this photo.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. Paul's work is displayed at the Dolphin, the art studio of Gualala Arts. Here's a link to their website: https://gualalaarts.org/category/exhibits/dolphin-gallery-exhibit/

This morning there was sunshine, but the clouds started to pile in,  as you can see from my photo.

This afternoon is dark and rain is supposed to begin soon. Yay!

I get to look all the entries to Gualala Arts' Art in the Redwoods and endeavor to pick the Best Mendonoma Sighting. It's HARD because there are so many options. But Paul Brewer's photo of a Great Egret stood out. He titled his photo "Egret Hideaway." I love the lichen hanging from the tree branches, and the beautiful Great Egret.

This bird is in breeding plumage - the neon green patch on the skin and the long plumes growing from the back tell the story.

Paul sent a bonus photo, entitled "Egret Sanctuary."

The framed photograph now showing at the Gualala Arts Center is quite large. There is a smaller version displayed at The Dolphin Gallery and Store, GAC's store in Gualala. Here is a link to The Dolphin: https://gualalaarts.org/dolphin-gallery/

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. And congratulations to Paul on winning the Best Mendonoma Sightings Award 2024!

Sunny and breezy, and warm away from the ocean!



Paul Brewer photographed a Doe and her two little fawns nursing near his Gualala home.

Janet Pierucci spotted two little Fawns at The Sea Ranch.

As did Connie King though she only photographed the one Fawn with its mother.

And here is Sheri Novak's video of her first sighting of Fawns this spring.

Sheri Novak's first sighting of fawns 5.25.24Sheri Novak's first sighting of fawns 5.25.24

We love these little guys and gals covered in spots, nearly 300 spots on each Fawn!

Thanks to Paul, Janet, Connie and Sheri for allowing me to share their photos - and video - with you here.

Warm weather moved in today, and it's over 80 degrees at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. Butterflies appeared, always a wonderful sightings.

California Quail might be pairing up now. Paul Brewer had this male and female quail visit his garden in Gualala. The more showy male is on the left.

CA Quail are mainly seed eaters, preferring to eat on the ground. So if a Jay knocks seed out of your bird feeder, the positive might be that these beautiful birds might arrive to eat the seeds.

I've seen CA Quail take dirt baths, a fun thing to watch!

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is the link to his website: https://paulbrewer.smugmug.com/

Today was clear but windy, temps in the low 60s.

Red skies in the morning, sailors take warning. This type of sunrise lets one know a storm is on the way. Paul Brewer caught some magic recently from his place in Gualala.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photo with you here. To see much more of Paul's nature photography, here is his website: https://paulbrewer.smugmug.com/

We had a rip roarer of a storm yesterday, Wednesday Jan. 31. Here's a look at the downpour at Rick's and my place - click on the blue link below. Yikes! We received 3.60 inches yesterday.
