Tag Archives: Pacific Ocean

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Peter Baye was visiting friends whose deck overlooks a tributary of Fuller Creek. There he saw several large, adult Steelhead.

Steelhead are Rainbow Trout, an ocean-going fish. They are compelled to spawn in fresh water, including the reaches of the Gualala River. Native to the tributaries of the Pacific Ocean, this fish has been introduced in many other parts of the world, sometimes to negative effects. Here on the Mendonoma Coast we celebrate their appearance.

Thom Matson recently spotted a big, beautiful Bobcat outside his house on The Sea Ranch. It appeared to be hunting for a gopher or some other rodent.

You can see the fog hanging over the Pacific Ocean. Yes, we've been having very foggy mornings this week.  The dark masses on the ocean are some patches of the abundant summer-time kelp just offshore.

Below is one of my favorite photos of a close-up of a Bobcat, taken by Siegfried Matull.

Thanks to Thom and Siegfried for allowing me to share their photos with you here.


Jeff Petit was out in the Pacific Ocean when he noticed this beautiful Fog Bow.

Fog Bows are similar to rainbows. They are formed in fog rather than rain. When they have no color, as in Jeff's photo, they are sometimes called White Rainbows. Pretty cool sight while out on the ocean!

Thanks to Jeff for sharing his photo with us here.

It's been a while since I shared a sunset photo with you. Allen Vinson recently captured a lovely one, seen from a bluff on The Sea Ranch.

Wouldn't you like to sit on that log and enjoy the Pacific Ocean? The weather is wonderful and the Mendonoma Coast beckons.

Thursday was such a lovely day on the Mendonoma Coast. Rick and I, with Huckleberry, our Golden Retriever, walked the Gualala Bluff Trail. We were amazed to see the level of the river had dropped so low. It was, however, still open to the Pacific Ocean. And the river was so clear that Rick saw a Steelhead swimming towards the river opening.

 A couple was sitting on the sandbar when this squadron of Brown Pelicans approached.

 And "Debbie" is obviously loved! This is river bottom, usually covered with water.

 Some of the flowers currently blooming along the beautiful Gualala Bluff Trail.