Tag Archives: new blowhole

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Billy Ocallaghan discovered the new blowhole at the southern end of the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands too. It's interesting to watch the video because the blowhole first appears to stream air, and then water. Here's a photo I took from Billy's video.

And below is Billy's video for you to see the blowhole going off!

New Blowhole at the PA Stornetta Lands by Billy Ocallaghan

What a treat to be able to see this! Thanks to Billy for allowing me to share his video with you here.

Drizzly today after a pretty vigorous storm overnight. 0.84 inches, 53.25 season to date!

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I love the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands. With all the rain, there is this beautiful waterfall to find as Mel Smith photographed. Hint: It's closer to the north end.

Mel noticed some cracking, some erosion on the southern end of the Lands. He brought his camera and young granddaughter to observe what was going on. A new blowhole has been born! Here in the link to Mel's video:

New blowhole at the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands by Mel Smith

Amazing! Thanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photo and video with you here.

Lots of overhead clouds have poured in this afternoon but no predicted rain. Temps in the high 50's.