Tag Archives: never pick them

One of my favorite summer wildflowers is the Leopard Lily, Lilium pardalinum. Bob Rutemoeller and Mary Sue Ittner found a nice group of them recently.

Never pick these beauties, just enjoy their splash of color wherever you might be fortunate enough to see them.

Thanks to Mary Sue and Bob for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Mary Sue Ittner photographed these Coast Lilies, Lilium maritimum, on the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands recently.

These native wildflowers are endemic to the north coast of California, from San Francisco north. So we appreciate these lovely flowers even more. They should never be picked, as the flower head turns into a seed pod. Just enjoy their beauty if you are fortunate enough to see some.

Thanks to Mary Sue for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Barbara Rice found a nice group of Leopard Lilies, Lilium pardalinum. These beautiful lilies are also called Tiger Lilies.

Leopard Lilies by Barbara RiceYou should never pick these wildflowers, as the flower head develops the seeds the plant needs for the following year.

Here's a close-up of this beautiful native with a Swallowtail butterfly feeding. This photo was taken by Peter Baye and is included in my beautiful book, Mendonoma Sightings Throughout the Year. It also shows that native plants feed native critters.


Thanks to Barbara and Peter for allowing me to share their photos with you here.