Tag Archives: nest

I invited photographer Shari Goforth over to my place in Anchor Bay to see if she could photograph the Western Flycatcher [formerly called Pacific Slope Flycatcher] couple feeding their chicks. The nest, woven with lichen, is above an outdoor light fixture. Shari patiently sat on the deck about twenty feet away. The adults were very wary of this change of scenery and it took quite a while before their worry about Shari was superseded by their need to feed their two chicks. Shari got a series of photos and in each photo the adult flycatcher had an insect in his or her mouth, ready for the open beaks of their offspring.

The flycatcher chicks are completely silent, at least to human ears. Shari has Western Bluebirds in her nesting box in Gualala. She wrote, “Unlike your flycatchers, these chicks are not reticent! At feedings, they make a huge racket in that little box. I can hear it on the bench at least 30 feet away!”

Thanks to Shari for allowing me to share her photos with you here. The chicks fledged several days ago. I miss the adults coming and going!

Breezy and HOT today. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. Yep, we're having a heatwave. Head to the beach!

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Several species of swallows migrate northward to the Mendonoma Coast to build their nests, lay their eggs and then diligently feed their chicks. Craig Tooley wrote, "These little Barn Swallows are perched above the front door of friends of ours. Our friends have graciously decided to enter and exit their house through the back door until the chicks fledge. The swallow parents are hard-working.”

Later Craig noticed this Barn Swallow skimming over the sand, presumably scooping up insects from the wrack on the beach.

Interested to know what beach wrack is? Here's an explanation from the web:

Natural material that washes onto the beach is referred to as wrack and includes algae, sea grasses, and some invertebrates such as sponges and soft corals. Wrack serves as the primary source of nutrients to beach communities and is the foundation for the food chain.

Good to know!

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

It's beautiful here on the Mendonoma coast today, temps in the 70s with a stronger afternoon breeze.

One of Craig Tooley's Pic O Joy, this young American Robin might have just left his/her nest.

Here is a photo Craig took of an adult for comparison.

And here is a photo of a Robin's nest that I took some years ago.

American Robins are beautiful singers. You can listen at this link: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/American_Robin/sounds

Go to the "Sounds and Calls" for the cheery call I'm thinking of. I hear a Robin singing this song at dawn these days - a nice way to start the day.

Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is the link to his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

Foggy morning, afternoon sun, and mild temps - a perfect 4th of July forecast!

It would seem very late for a nest, but American Goldfinches do nest later than most birds. And this bird could be contemplating a second clutch. In any case, Craig Tooley watched this goldfinch working on her nest.

It's just a glimpse, for sure, but a sweet photo to see. Thanks to Craig for allowing me to share it with you here. To see much more of Craig's nature photography, here is his website: http://www.ruffimage.com

Foggy at the beaches, sunny just a bit inland, mild weather with gentle breezes - nice!

There is a nest at Gualala Point Regional Park with several newly-hatched White-crowned Sparrows. Craig Tooley didn't want to disturb the nest, but he did find one of the parents bringing an insect back to the nest.

Park ranger Roberta Chan cordoned off the area where the nest is. The chicks should fledge soon but in the meantime, don't disturb the little ones in their nest! Karen Wilkinson took the photo of the nest area.

Thanks to Craig and Karen for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

It's a sunny, warm, breezy day here on the Mendonoma Coast.