Tag Archives: Navarro River

Bald Eagles are a rare sighting on the Mendonoma Coast. We hope one day they will be a common sighting. It's always exciting to see one of these magnificent birds. Paul Brewer and his wife Jacquie were driving up to the town of Mendocino when they spotted this beautiful Bald Eagle by the Navarro River. As they watched the bird flew down and drank from the river.

What a wonderful sighting. Thanks to Paul for allowing me to share his photos with you here. To see more of Paul's wildlife photographer, here's the link to his web site: http://www.capturingnatureswonders.com/

We have rain in our forecast, the first rain in many a moon. This is what the sky looked like from our deck in Anchor Bay this morning. Storm is on the way!

My best to you, Jeanne Jackson


Peter Baye was kayaking on the Navarro River when he saw this adult Black-crowned Night Heron.

Peter let his kayak drift towards the Heron and didn't move. As he said, it worked! Peter got a great photo. I love the reflection in the river.

Several years ago Peter photographed the juvenile below. There sure is quite a difference in coloring.

Kayaking on one of the Coast's wild rivers - sounds idyllic, doesn't it? Thanks to Peter for allowing me to share his photos with you here.