Tag Archives: Michelle Melio

Michele Melio saw this male, who is molting out of his breeding plumage. Two of his chicks were begging to be fed, but he temporarily ignores them while he preens.

Thanks to Michele for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

Fog over the ocean with high clouds overhead - nice!

Michelle Melio recently found this Anna's Hummingbird feeding on Hedge Nettle.

I asked Mary Sue Ittner to take a look at the photo of the native wildflower. She wrote, "It looks like Stachys chamissonis, Chamisso's Hedge Nettle, Coastal Hedge Nettle or Bog Hedge Nettle. I like the last common name as you usually see it growing in very wet spots and in this dry year that would explain why it is still in flower and looking so well when the rigid hedge nettle that is common here is dried up in a lot of places."

Anna's Hummingbirds are year-round residents of the Mendonoma Coast. Thanks to Michelle for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

It's warm, 80+ degrees, and unfortunately smoky. And there is no wind to whisk the smoke away, though perhaps by tomorrow the northwesterly winds will return.