Peggy Berryhill tried to tell me she had a snowy Owl in her garden. Snowy Owls are white and are found in the Arctic. But a stone owl with snow on it - yes, Peggy had a snowy Owl.

Craig Tooley photographed an American Robin in the snow. The robin didn't seem to mind it.

Michael Reinhart photographed a Snowy Plover at Doran Beach, Sonoma County. Okay, the bird isn't in snow, but I had to include it because of its name!

Thanks to Peggy, Craig and Michael for allowing me to share their photos with you here.
It was very cold Monday morning and it sleeted a bit at Rick's and my place in Anchor Bay. At higher elevations it snowed again overnight. After morning showers, the sun appeared and passing clouds made for interesting sky-watching.