Tag Archives: Mendonoma coast


It wasn't in the forecast but tell that to Mother Nature. A spectacular lightning and thunderstorm made it impossible to sleep late last night and early this morning on the Mendonoma Coast. Fortunately most of the strikes were over the ocean. Paul Kozal set up his camera and caught this beautiful photo; it gave me goosebumps when I saw it.

Thanks to Paul for allowing me to show you this wonder of nature. To see more of Paul's photography, here's the link to his website: http://www.paulkozal.com/. I particularly love his mushroom photographs.

The heat wave we had been experiencing broke yesterday. Last Saturday we had the highest temperature we've ever had in 17 years of living here - 96 degrees. We weren't sad to see the heat go. This morning's early sunrise was reflected off some beautiful clouds with the calm ocean underneath, as seen from our deck.

The Pacific Ocean has no whitecaps today and fishing boats are out. Salmon fishing has been great lately. I'll share a photo showing a beautiful salmon soon.

Tomorrow we celebrate the 4th of July, commemorating the birth of America. Here on the Mendonoma Coast, we will celebrate on Saturday the 6th with fireworks in Point Arena and a parade on Sunday.

Cathleen Crosby was airing out a carpet on the railing of her deck. An opportunistic Gray Fox obviously thought that would be a comfortable spot to take a nice rest.

Cathleen caught this fox in a big yawn. Life is good when you're on the Mendonoma Coast!

Thanks to Cathleen for allowing me to share her photo with you.


Coyotes are a fairly rare sighting on the Mendonoma Coast but we definitely seen one or two ambling through. Though Jim took this photo in Marin County recently, I thought you'd enjoy seeing this Coyote pup in the fog.

To see a Coyote that was seen earlier this year, here is the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2013/02/26/a-coyote-was-spotted-by-patricia-mcbratney/

Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The white fawn continues to thrive and is slowly coloring up. Katie Solley recently photographed the beautiful fawn with its normal-colored sibling near the 9th hole of The Sea Ranch golf course.

You can just make out some of the spots appearing on its flank as it slowly colors up. It is considered the equivalent of a towhead child - like me! I was born with platinum blond hair but I "colored up" to brown in a few years. This fawn will color up in a few months.

Katie also got a photo of this fawn running on the golf course and it will be in today's Independent Coast Observer. They sell on-line subscriptions if you'd like to read my weekly Sightings column and see Katie's other photo. There is LOTS going on here on the Mendonoma Coast! Here's the link to the ICO: mendonoma.com

Thanks to Katie for allowing me to share her photo with you here.