Tag Archives: Mendonoma coast

It's been a while since I shared a sunset photo with you. Allen Vinson recently captured a lovely one, seen from a bluff on The Sea Ranch.

Wouldn't you like to sit on that log and enjoy the Pacific Ocean? The weather is wonderful and the Mendonoma Coast beckons.

Ospreys choose to nest on the Mendonoma Coast, a fact we are very happy about. Ospreys are fishing to feed their new babies in nests. Recently Jan de Vries had a chance to photograph one close up.

This Osprey appears to be glaring at Jan.

 And below you can see the back of the Osprey.

Thanks to Jan for allowing me to share his photos with you here. 

To see Steve Wilcox's photo of an Osprey with a fish in its talons, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2012/04/23/ospreys-are-busy-fishing-as-photographed-by-steve-wilcox/

Bucks with their antlers covered in soft velvet have been seen recently. Drew Fagan photographed two of them north of Gualala. He entitled his photo, "Two gentlemen in velvet lunching outside my studio."

Nice view Drew has from his art studio!

To see Drew's art, here is a link to his web site: http://drewfagan.com/ I thank him for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Rozann Grunig was at the bluffs near Tidepool Beach on The Sea Ranch when she saw this Osprey perched in a tree.

Nice spot to take in the view or perhaps catch sight of a nice, fat fish. Thanks to Rozann for allowing me to share her photo with you here.

We can see an Osprey nest from our home in Anchor Bay. It's nearly a half mile away so we view it through our scope. The other day as we watched the male Osprey came with a fish and the female briefly left the nest. Rick and I saw two fuzzy heads peak up over the rim of the nest. Yes, Ospreys have hatched on the Mendonoma Coast!


I thought you might enjoy a photo of two adult Gray Foxes since I've been showing you Fox Kits. It was taken by Coastal photographer Siegfried Matull at his home on The Sea Ranch. It is one of my favorite photos. Doesn't it speak to the serenity and beauty of the Mendonoma Coast?

The female is on the left. Thanks to Siegfried for allowing me to share his photo with you here.