Tag Archives: Mendonoma coast


Red-tailed Hawks are our most common hawks. They live year round on the Mendonoma Coast. Jim Garlock had an opportunity to get a close up photo of one.

What a beauty! Thanks to Jim for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

The sunset Friday night was especially lovely. I took this photo from our front deck in Anchor Bay.

 And here is the last full moon that shone over the Mendonoma Coast on Nov. 26th.

Thanks to Rob for allowing me to share his full moon photo with you here.

The storms that hit Northern California brought high surf, enormous waves and swells. Robert Scarola went out just after the last storm and capture these images.

Looks like there's a Brown Pelican in the bottom right hand corner of Robert's photo.

Now we are in for a stretch of dry weather. Our seasonal creeks are running strong and full of beautiful cascades. Wild mushrooms are popping up seemingly everywhere. It's a wonderful time to be on the Mendonoma Coast.

Thanks to Robert for allowing me to share his photos with you here.


Three big storms, a river of rain, have hit the Mendonoma Coast. Carolyn André, intrepid photographer that she is, braved the second storm to take these photos of the coast of The Sea Ranch.

 The storm coincided with a high tide as you will see below.

 Big waves hit the coast.

At Point Arena Pier there are three red flags posted. No one should be out in this sea except the very big ships.

 Surf's up...or way too dangerous, I believe.

Thanks to Carolyn for allowing me to share her evocative photos here with  you.

The beautiful red-topped mushroom with the white spots, Fly Amanita, has begun to fruit on the Mendonoma Coast. Bob Schwein recently photographed a newly sprouted one being sampled by a Banana Slug.

Thanks to Bob for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

To see a beautiful holiday wreath made out of mature Fly Amanitas, here's the link: http://www.mendonomasightings.com/2011/12/20/a-beautiful-fly-amanita-wreath-created-by-carol-kozal/