Tag Archives: Mel Smith

Mel Smith took visiting family members to the Point Arena-Stornetta Lands. He hoped to be able to show them the waterfall, but it is still falling into a crack in the bluff. Nonetheless, this spot is perfect for a photo with the Lighthouse in the distance.

the-waterfall-is-hidden-at-the-point-arena-stornetta-lands-by-mel-smithThe waterfall appears on the right side. Perhaps with all the rain in our forecast the waterfall will again cascade off the bluff. This is what it looks like when it does - beautiful, don't you think? I took this photo a few years ago.

stornetta-lands-waterfall-by-jeanne-jacksonThanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

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Mel Smith and Linda Bostwick must be doubly fortunate, as they had two sets of birds nest in their birdhouse. The first to occupy the box were Chestnut-backed Chickadees. Once their chicks had fledged, Violet-green Swallows took residence and currently have chicks in the birdhouse.

Violet-green Swallow in a nesting box by Mel Smith (1024x576)Here's a photo Linda took a few years ago of a Violet-green Swallow with a feather in its beak. A nice soft touch for a nest!

Male Violet-green Swallow with a feather by Linda BostwickThanks to Mel and Linda for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Alder Creek is at the northern boundary of Manchester State Park. It is where the San Andreas fault heads out to sea. Mel Smith was recently hiking on the bluffs there and got this photo.

Alder Creek by Mel Smith

It looks like the creek is currently closed to the Pacific Ocean by that big sandbar.

If you'd like directions to this spot, this website has good ones: http://www.californiabeaches.com/beach/alder-creek-beach-Manchester/  It's a good mile in by foot, as the road has crumbled away in parts and is closed to cars. I dearly miss this public access spot which gave access to the northern part of Manchester State Park.

Thanks to Mel for allowing me to share his photo with you here.

Linda Bostwick and Mel Smith noticed this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk perusing their vegetable garden in Point Arena. The hawk is welcome to any tasty gophers it finds in there!

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk by Mel Smith

Here's a close-up of one taken by Sylvia Marie. Red-tailed hawks have so many different feather patterns and colors. It's a good thing the adults have that red tail!

Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk by Sylvia Marie (Large)

Thanks to Mel and Sylvia for allowing me to share their photos with you here.

Mel Smith recently counted 121 Tundra Swans near the Garcia River. He took this photo through his spotting scope. You will see Canada Geese too.

Tundra Swans and Canada Geese by Mel Smith

Martin Steinpress also saw and photographed Tundra Swans recently.

Three Tundra Swans and Mallards by Martin Steinpress Tundra Swans by Martin Steinpress

The past four years, during the drought, only a few Tundra Swans returned to overwinter on the Mendonoma coast. So we're happy to see more than a hundred, though that is still a small number compared to the numbers we used to see.

Here is a close-up look at these beautiful swans in flight, taken by Steve Wilcox.

Tundra Swans by Steve Wilcox

Thanks to Steve, Martin and Mel for allowing me to share their photos with you here.